Aaaand...POOF! Ta da. I'm a Bachelor of Music.
Wait. What?
His eyes grew wide with fright. And why shouldn't they? He had just spent four years of his life toiling away at Grout and Palisca's distorted conception of Music History, finally figured out how to really listen to music and write papers and discovered that life was at least twice as complex as it seemed exiting high school. From his view atop University College hill, the view had seemed so bright. And now...NOW...it was overcast with a 60% chance of rain.
But what do those weather forecasters know anyway?
Seriously. What do they know? I bet they know reams of stuff about clouds and weather formations and storm fronts and what have you. And I bet they feel like monkeys up there waving their arms at invisible maps and telling people lies every single day. Does every weather forecaster eventually say "Wait a second...I'm a fortune teller" and show up painted blue to protest being so blatantly snookered into thinking that you need an education for that job? Or maybe they really DON'T have a Bachelor of Clouds and WE'RE the ones being snookered. I mean, seriously. We pay someone to predict the future every day. I don't care how much that little spinning thing apparently tells these people or what type of pressure system the Doppler Radar seems to suggest - the margin of error is just too wide for weather forecasting to be considered a legitimate thing. Not only is it okay, as a weather forecaster, to predict the wrong weather but people STILL BELIEVE YOU even after you do it a dozen times.
I think the reason is that we all recognize how stupid it is to ask someone to predict the weather. Yet, we'd still really like to know, so we throw someone up there and say "Give it your best shot. It's okay if you're wrong. But if you're RIGHT, boy...I will have brought my umbrella that day and it will be because of you." I think we trust that these weather forecasters are more likely to predict the weather than we are. I am not convinced. And so, I will now predict the weather for tomorrow:
WEATHER FOR SATURDAY JUNE 6 2009: Sunny, a high of 25 and a low of 8. Sunrise: Who cares? Sunset: around 9:15.
I'll keep a record of who was more right based on the Weather Channel (The weather channel has a better success rate when reporting on current weather conditions). If I'm right, then we shall know that a Bachelor of Music is at least as useful as a Bachelor of Clouds and all is not lost. If I am not, then..."We're experiencing a rapid rise in temperature at the moment which could lead to a serious brainstorm in the near future...but maybe not. I'm really just throwing stuff out there."
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